Some starter points:
Our founder has been working with digital reputation since 2002
We believe in ethics, quality, service and professionalism
We are in the United States, and we don’t outsource
We have a unique, multi-channel pricing model
No long-term contracts
We are 100% confidential
We don’t take on projects that are doomed to failure
We only take projects where we can provide both strategic and tactical value
We don’t wast budget, instead we maximize and leverage benefits across channels
How We Do It
Reputation is a very detailed topic. Our expertise is highlighted by hundreds of reputation articles, proven reputation methodology and years in the industry.
In short: we collect and highlight the right information about you and use our technical understanding to maximize the materials you have. In many cases, this requires a constant review of where you are and where you want to be. The internet is constantly changing and is in a continual state of evolution.
Unique Capabilities
Our online reputation and brand team is supported by a full-service consulting team that has the expertise to connect many elements together. We have a complete understanding of C-level support, interim executive placement, digital business development and an expert understanding of many communication channels (including executive, public relations, marketing, sales, human resources, recruiting, legal and investor.) We also have a full-service team of professionals capable of additional services such as earch engine optimization, paid advertising and social campaign development (which all tie into our reputation work.)
Our clients benefit from our ability to not only focus on the niche specialty of online reputation, but connect into these other channels as needed.
Every project is unique for us.
There are thousands of technical items changing every week, new platforms come out every day, and millions of people interact with them. As a digital communications firm with a specialty in leveraging new online business models, we do our best to make sure that our clients have outstanding results and realistic expectations.
In terms of online reputation repair, creating substantial results and fixing negative information can take months of continual effort and is not a long term solution by itself. A reputation and brand can only thrive online in today’s environment if you are adhering to new media best practices. In any case, having a “healthy” reputation online is the easiest way of avoiding the “virtual flu” and is far cheaper than dealing with crisis communication problems that could have been easily avoided.